Performing regular jogging gives better physical condition and other health benefits. Jogging also gives physical and mental pleasure.


Jogging on a regular basis give a distinct good effect upon the general health, provided it is not over-done. The effects are:

* Jogging makes the heart stronger. It increases the capacity of the blood circulation and of the respiratory system.

* It speeds up the digestive system and helps you get rid of digestive trouble.

* It counteracts depression.

* It increases the capacity to work and lead an active life.

* Jogging makes you burn fat and thereby helps against over-weight.

* If you suffer from poor appetite, jogging will improve your appetite.

* Jogging will strengthens the muscles of your legs, hips and back. However you will not get very big muscles from jogging.

* Jogging makes you sleep better.


Jogging gives you physical and mental joy, provided you do not exhaust yourself. When jogging is done correctly, you will actually feel less tired when you have finished a tour than before you began. You get nice feelings in your muscles during the jogging and afterwards.

You will feel the wind blowing around your body. You will hear the birds singing, the music of running water in the streams, or the sound of waves dashing towards the seashore. During the jogging you will also get a euphoric mental feeling after some time.


The type of clothes you were must be suited to the weather conditions. In warm weather, shorts and a t-shirt is enough. However, it may be useful to carry along an extra piece of clothe in a light back-pack if you run out on a long route, in case the weather aggravates. In colder weather you must add more layers of clothes. In either case, the requirements for the clothes are:

You should use light and soft clothes without any sharp sutures, hard edges or massive folds. They should sit fairly close to your body, but not so close that you feel squeezed, trapped, or so that your movements are hindered.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/177056


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